Flaps and stabilizers Flaps and stabilizers for boats

Flaps and stabilizers provide better handling, reduce fuel consumption and increase safety at sea, trim and heading of your boat.

Nauticus Gas Spring 80 with Bellows
Gas strut 80 with Nauticus bellows. The nitrogen-powered pneumatic struts provide a constant thrust at the rear of the boat.
Nauticus Gas Spring 60 with Bellows
Nauticus 60 Gas Strut with Bellows. Nitrogen-powered pneumatic cylinders provide constant thrust at the rear of the boat.
Zipwake DU-EX E Series Distribution Panel
DU-EX E-Series Zipwake distribution board with included 6 meter long cable. Allows the connection of a greater number of interceptors, from 4 to a maximum of 6.
Zipwake CP-S control panel support
Zipwake CP-S Control Panel Stand Zipwake S Series . The stand provides a useful installation option for the S Series control panel.
Zipwake CPS S Series Control Panel
Zipwake S-Series Control Panel Zipwake with 7.5 meter cable. The panel's waterproof design withstands harsh marine conditions
Zipwake CP-E E Series Control Board
Zipwake E-Series CP-E Control Panel with 15 meter cable. The panel's waterproof design withstands harsh marine conditions