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Buy your Navigation equipment. Discover all of our boat navigation products: Life rafts, Bow thrusters, Front and rear electric motors, etc...

Nauticus Gas Spring 80 with Bellows
Gas strut 80 with Nauticus bellows. The nitrogen-powered pneumatic struts provide a constant thrust at the rear of the boat.
Nauticus Gas Spring 60 with Bellows
Nauticus 60 Gas Strut with Bellows. Nitrogen-powered pneumatic cylinders provide constant thrust at the rear of the boat.
Zipwake DU-EX E Series Distribution Panel
DU-EX E-Series Zipwake distribution board with included 6 meter long cable. Allows the connection of a greater number of interceptors, from 4 to a maximum of 6.
Zipwake CP-S control panel support
Zipwake CP-S Control Panel Stand Zipwake S Series . The stand provides a useful installation option for the S Series control panel.
Zipwake CPS S Series Control Panel
Zipwake S-Series Control Panel Zipwake with 7.5 meter cable. The panel's waterproof design withstands harsh marine conditions
Zipwake CP-E E Series Control Board
Zipwake E-Series CP-E Control Panel with 15 meter cable. The panel's waterproof design withstands harsh marine conditions